An OIE discipline-specific section of GT1000 augments the course with an international focus.

GT1000: First-Year Seminar is a one-credit hour class designed to help incoming first-year students have a successful transition to the Georgia Tech campus and community. Classes are small and emphasize hands-on learning and discussion.

Students who are interested in going global throughout their career at Tech should consider enrolling in one of OIE’s discipline-specific sections of GT1000. The class prepares students for their time at Tech and an OIE discipline-specific section of GT1000 augments this education with an international focus.

  • Study Abroad Section, Tue. – 9:30am-10:20am, CRN #84946
    This section is for students in any major who are interested in International Education, Study Abroad, or other Global Education opportunities and programs.
  • Intercultural Section, Tue. – 9:30am-10:20am, CRN #83507
    This section is for students pursuing the International Plan Degree Designation or who are interested in intercultural topics. GT1000 is not required to participate in the International Plan but past students have found it very helpful.
  • International Student Section, Tue. – 9:30am-10:20am, CRN: 84498
    This section is for students who have been educated abroad.

Have questions? Amanda Tysor and Rory Prine are teaching the Study Abroad section, Ashlee Toomey-Flinn and Heidi Fiedler are teaching the Intercultural section, and Zamira Akobirova and Katherine Samford are teaching the International Student section.